
SCTO Seminar series: Facts and pitfalls of observational studies - How to plan and conduct HRO projects. Registrations to the Zoom meetings are open on the SCTO website.

Publications swissethics

Annual reports and other publications of swissethics

Updated documents

List of documents recently updated by swissethics


Changes to the project registry of swissethics


Since 2016, swissethics has regularly published clinical trials and research projects that have been approved by the competent ethics committees in Switzerland. The focus was on "ongoing" clinical trials and research projects (RoPS, Registry of ongoing projects in Switzerland).

From now on, all clinical trials/projects will be published. Consequently, those that have already been completed can also be found in the register. Thus, the registry has been renamed RAPS: Registry of All Projects in Switzerland

Position paper of swissethics on how to manage incidental findings in medical research


Im Rahmen der Humanforschung gibt es durch Diagnostik und Untersuchungen in einem nicht unerheblichen Prozentsatz im Rahmen von klinischen Studien und Projekten Zufallsbefunde.

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Updated Guidance for providers of courses on Research Ethics and GCP: new including GCP Refresher courses


Since 1 January 2014, GCP course providers can have their GCP courses for investigators and sponsor-investigators in Switzerland recognised by swissethics.

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Important remarks on the information on the "Temporary authorisation to use medicinal products in accordance with Article 9b paragraph 1 HMG" of 13.3.2019


The information published by swissethics on 13.3.2019 is aimed at pharmaceutical companies, i.e. sponsors who can apply for a temporary authorisation for their drug under certain conditions.

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The total revision of the Ordinance on the Authorisation of Medicinal Products (AMBV) entered into force on 1st January 2019.


AMBV Chapter 5 regulates the temporary authorisation for the use of medicinal products in accordance with Art. 9b Para. 1 TPA. The procedures formerly known as "compassionate use" (now temporary authorisation) refer to therapeutic products whose efficacy has already been proven in clinical trials.

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