Templates and checklists

Please always download the newest version of the required templates at the beginning of a submission.

These templates cover all aspects specified by the Swiss federal legal acts. Therefore we recommend to follow these templates in order to comply completely with these requirements. They also facilitate and speed up the assessment by the Swiss Ethics Committees.

The templates should be applied according to the matching study type.

Templates and documents that were updated in the last 2 months are marked with green color.

Flowchart to assist with the use of the templates

You can't find the right template for writing a protocol or the right template for writing a patient information and consent form? This flowchart (decision tree) can help you.

If you still can’t find the template you are looking for, contact swissethics or one of the seven ethics committees. Not all available templates are listed in this decision tree.

updated: 07.07.2022
updated: 07.07.2022
updated: 07.07.2022
updated: 07.07.2022

Recently changed templates / checklists

Documents updated / added in the last 60 days.