Position papers and guidelines from swissethics
The comprehensibility of the patient information and consent forms is a prerequisite for good, fair and correct information concerning participation in clinical trials and research projects. The example-based guideline succinctly lists the essential aspects needed for a comprehensible information document: the information must be provided in a step-by-step, coherent and descriptive manner using simple words and layman-comprehensible sentences, as well as appropriate visualizations.
Guiding principles of swissethics for registries in human research
Developed by the Swiss Personalised Health Network and endorsed by the Swiss Biobanking Platform and the ETH Domain Strategic Focus Area on Personalised Health and Related Technologies.
Both data and human biological material are addressed in this new version of the Framework.
Health Data Ethics Map and Course
Health Ethics & Policy Lab, ETH Zurich created the Health Data Ethics Map to explore health data ethics responsibilities and rights. The map was created based upon the Swiss Personalized Health Network's «Ethical Framework for Responsible Data Processing in Personalized Health Research.»
Guideline for handling incidental findings in medical research
An ethically justified guide
swissethics guideline: Experimental therapy versus research projects under obligation of submission to an EC
Guideline of swissethics for projects in neuroscience
swissethics guideline: Technical Assistance Systems
Guideline of swissethics for the time for consideration between information and consent
Guideline of swissethics about research on healthy children and adolescents
Guideline of swissethics on the conception and application of an electronic informed consent (eIC) in clinical trials, according to ClinO
Guideline of swissethics on the conception and application of an electronic informed consent (eIC) in clinical trials, according to ClinO and to HRO
Valid from November 1, 2024.
Guideline on the retention period of biological material and personal data of further use projects without the informed consent of the persons concerned (according to Art. 34 HRA)
Advice by Prof.Dr.med.et Dr.sc.nat.ETH C.Boesch and PD Dr.med.A.Kuhn
swissethics guideline to assist in the distinction between quality assurance projects (quality assurance and quality control studies) and research projects requiring approval
Guidance document of swissethics on the use of food stuffs and food supplements in research
Sex and Gender in research involving humans according to the Human Research Act (HRA): Issues to consider.
This document reflects the swissethics recommendations on sex and gender in research involving humans according to the HRA.
Sex and Gender in research involving humans according to the Human Research Act: Recommendation for the ethical review of research projects.