Interviews and position papers on the COVID-19 vaccine (this page is no longer maintained)
Janina Gehrig im Gespräch mit Dr. med. Susanne Driessen, swissethics. «Sonst geht die Gerechtigkeit verloren». Tagblatt St.Gallen. December 6, 2021 (Link), in German.
Giovan Maria Zanini (presidente EC-Ticino, farmacista cantonale Canton Ticino) «Intervista a 60 minuti» Radiotelevisione Svizzera, November 29, 2021 (Link), in Italian.
Dr. Anthony Fauci «A Covid-19 conversation with Anthony Fauci». Supplement to the N Eng J Med 2021; 384:e22. January 28, 2021 (Link), in English.
Dr. med. Susanne Driessen, swissethics. «Impfdebatte: Es geht um den Schutz der anderen». Saiten - Ostschweizer Kulturmagazin und Veranstaltungskalender. January 7, 2021 (Link), in German.
Ralf Jox (NEK-CNE) im Gespräch mit Prof. Georg Markmann. «Ethische Fragen rund um die Corona-Impfung». December 22, 2020 (Link), in German.
Prof. Claire-Anne Siegrist, Centre de vaccinologie HUG. «Vaccin anti-Covid: l'éclairage de Claire-Anne Siegrist». RTS Info. December 19, 2020 (Link, minutes 3:41-6:11, 10:26-11:30), in French
Position papers, others
The vaccination anti-Covid-19 for adolescents aged 12 to 15” (NEK-CNE). September 13, 2021 (German, French)
Statement on Covid 19 pandemic and the duty to treat unvaccinated persons equally (NEK-CNE). August 27, 2021 (German, French).
Summary, recommendations, and media release of the NEK-CNE on its position paper "The Covid 19 Vaccine: Ethical Considerations on Questions of Principle and Specific Areas of Application" (NEK-CNE). February 12, 2021 (German, French).
Communication to the media on the vaccination strategy (NEK-CNE). December 22, 2020 (German, French, Italian).
Coronavirus disease (Covid-19): Vaccine access and allocation: As safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 are approved, who should be the first to receive them? the page is updated regulary, WHO (Link)