List of providers of courses on research ethics and GCP recognized by swissethics

swissethics strongly recommends that GCP knowledge is maintained through regular research activity, e.g. by conducting clinical trials, attending training courses in research or GCP refresher courses.

As part of a “sponsor-investigator” clinical trial, investigators can take on the role and responsibility of sponsors if they have completed both the module for investigators and the one for sponsor-investigators. The training module for sponsor-investigators is only offered to persons who have previously completed a recognized module for investigators.

Individuals are advised to contact the course provider directly to find out which and training modules they need to complete in order to meet the requirements. This clarification is necessary because some course providers organize a separate module for sponsor-investigators, while others offer both modules (“Investigator” and “Sponsor-Investigator”) in a single course.

The ethics committees can require researchers to repeat a GCP training course if they are of the opinion that the knowledge is not adequate for the investigator or sponsor-investigator role.

last updated: 17. 11. 2024

Organisation Recognised for Course title Training method Date recognised Validity
aMRCT Center of BWH and Harward Investigator Interpretation and application of ICH E6(R2); this course is valid only if taken toghether with the Swiss module (Swiss modules are offered by the CTUs, TRREE or other providers). This course has been reviewed and endorsed by the Training Subcommittee of ICH. self-study eLearning 14. 04. 2024 cont.
Berner Fachhochschule, BFH, Fachbereich Gesundheit Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator CAS Clinical Research Coordinator classroom training / eLearning 21. 02. 2017 cont.
CRC Genève Investigator Bonne Pratiques des Essais Cliniques niveau I (pour les investigateurs, e-Learning): BPEC I self-study eLearning 12. 02. 2019 cont.
CRC Genève Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Bonnes Pratique des Essais Cliniques niveau II promoteur-investigateur* (the candidate must have successfully attended a GCP course for Investigators recognized by swissethics before being allowed to attend this GCP course). BPEC II 17. 11. 2020 cont.
CROss research S.A. / CROss Alliance, Mendrisio Investigator Research Ethics and GCP on site classroom training 06. 02. 2017 cont.
CTC Zurich Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator CAS Clinical Trial Management on site classroom training 09. 12. 2015 cont.
CTC Zurich Investigator GCP courses Module 1, 2 classroom training / eLearning 09. 12. 2015 cont.
CTC Zurich Sponsor-Investigator GCP courses Module 3 on site classroom training 09. 12. 2015 cont.
CTU Lausanne (CHUV - FBM), course also provided by Unil/EPFL - formation continue Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Formations pour investigateurs cliniques Cours Investigateurs & Cours Investigateurs-promoteur (alternative title: devenir investigateur clinique) 26. 01. 2016 cont.
CTU St. Gallen GCP Refresher GCP Refresher (CTU St. Gallen) on site classroom training 30. 01. 2020 cont.
CTU St. Gallen Investigator GCP classroom training / eLearning 08. 12. 2015 cont.
DCR Bern Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Investigator (dentists) 10. 12. 2015 cont.
DCR Bern Investigator Clinical Investigator I: Basic GCP & clinical research training classroom training / eLearning 10. 12. 2015 cont.
DCR Bern Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Investigator II: Advanced GCP & clinical research training classroom training / eLearning 10. 12. 2015 cont.
DCR Bern GCP Refresher GCP Refresher (DCR Bern) classroom training / eLearning 15. 09. 2020 cont.
digital Trial Intervention Platform (dTIP), ETH Zurich Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator GCP Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator course (Module 1-3) 15. 08. 2022 cont.
EOC CTU Bellinzona GCP Refresher GCP Refresher (EOC CTU Bellinzona) on site classroom training 19. 09. 2019 cont.
EOC CTU Bellinzona Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Research Ethics and GCP on site classroom training 08. 12. 2015 cont.
European Center of Pharemaceutical Medicine (ECPM), University of Basel Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator CAS/DAS in Pharmaceutical Medicine (CAS/DAS: Certificate/Diploma of Advanced Studies provided by the University of Basel) on site classroom training 28. 09. 2018 cont.
Klinik Hirslanden (CTU), Zurich Investigator GCP Basic Training Module 1 und 2 on site classroom training 20. 12. 2016 cont.
SAKK - Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research GCP Refresher Refresher (SAKK) on site classroom training 17. 06. 2024 cont.
School for Translation and Entrepreneurship in Medicine, University of Bern and siteminsel, Bern Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Trial and Performance classroom training / eLearning 13. 10. 2022 cont.
Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum (CTU), Nottwil Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator GCP Kurs Investigator & Sponsor-Investigator Level on site classroom training 09. 03. 2017 cont.
Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum (CTU), Nottwil GCP Refresher GCP Refresher (CTU, Nottwil) classroom training / eLearning 09. 04. 2020 cont.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) Investigator Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Training for Investigators and Study Teams on site classroom training 05. 07. 2016 cont.
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) GCP Refresher Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Refresher Kurs on site classroom training 04. 01. 2024 cont.
TRREE Investigator Training and resources in research ethics evaluation (mandatory modules 1, 2, 3, 4 and the Regulatory framework of Switzerland ("Swiss module")). self-study eLearning 27. 03. 2024 cont.
Universität Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung (DKF) Sponsor-Investigator GCP Aufbaukurs classroom training / eLearning 17. 12. 2017 cont.
Universität Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung (DKF) Investigator GCP Basiskurs classroom training / eLearning 16. 12. 2015 cont.
Universität Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung (DKF) GCP Refresher GCP Refresher (DKF Basel) self-study eLearning 24. 06. 2020 cont.
Universität Luzern, Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Medizin Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Forschung am Menschen, BSc Gesundheitswissenschaften on site classroom training 12. 10. 2022 cont.
Université de Neuchâtel Institut de droit de la santé Investigator Droit et progrès médical : Encadrement de la recherche impliquant des êtres humains on site classroom training 02. 12. 2021 cont.
University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine (UNIGE), Genève Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator DAS Diploma of Advanced Studies - Management of Clinical Trials classroom training / eLearning 03. 12. 2015 cont.
University of Geneva, Faculty of Medicine (UNIGE), Genève Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator MAS Master of Advanced Studies - Drug Discovery and Clinical Developement classroom training / eLearning 13. 04. 2016 cont.
Veranex Switzerland SA Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator ISO14155:2020 Clinical Investigation of medical devices for human subjects - GCP (not valid for trials of pharmaceutical products (IMP) on site classroom training 21. 06. 2021 cont.

Research Ethics and GCP courses no more recognised by swissethics

The following GCP courses are no longer recognised. All GCP certificates issued by the following course providers during the period of validity indicated in the table remain valid. swissethics strongly recommends that the knowledge is maintained by regular research activity, e.g. by conducting clinical trials, attending continuing education related to research or GCP refresher courses, being exposed to GCP inspection etc. The Ethics Committees can request the researchers to re-take a GCP course, if the Ethics Committees consider the knowledge has not been maintained.

Course providers can apply for recognition of their courses by swissethics according to the new learning objectives.

Organisation Recognised for Course title Date recognised End validity period Recognised by
ANMCO Research Center - Fondazione per il Tuo Cuore - HCF Onlus, Firenze, Italy Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Good Clinical Practice 26. 01. 2016 26.05.2021 swissethics
AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation (AOCID) Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator AOCSC training program Investigator course / Subinvestigator course 25. 02. 2011 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
AO Clinical Investigation and Documentation (AOCID) - AO Foundation Co-Investigator Study Coordinators Course (Version 2.1) 13. 09. 2013 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
AO Foundation, AO Program for Education and Excellence in Research (AOPEER) Investigator Study management and Good Clinical Practice 10. 04. 2019 09.10.2024 swissethics
AO Foundation, Clinical Investigation and Documentation (AOCID) Investigator Good Clinical Practice course (Good Clinical Practice course for surgeons) 21. 12. 2015 03.09.2024 swissethics
Appletree CI Group AG Investigator The principles of clinical research in humans and GCP training for investigators 17. 12. 2015 16.07.2024 swissethics
Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Investigators (physiotherapy): basic and advanced GCP and clinical research training for physiotherapists (not valid for trials of pharmaceutical products (IMP) and medical devices) 30. 05. 2016 17.11.2024 swissethics
Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Investigators (nursing): basic and advanced GCP and clinical research training for general clinical nurses (not valid for trials of pharmaceutical products (IMP) and medical devices) 30. 05. 2016 12.11.2024 swissethics
Clinipace AG (vorher PFC Pharma Focus AG), 8604 Volketswil Subinvestigator and investigator Training Requirements Investigator / Training Requirements Sub-Investigator 11. 12. 2009 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Covance Clinical Research Unit AG Co-Investigator GCP Training 09. 12. 2009
21. 10. 2011
31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CRC Genève Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Bonne Pratiques des Essais Cliniques (BPEC). 03. 12. 2015 9.8.2021 swissethics
CRC Genève Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Cours Bonnes Pratiques des Essais Cliniques 13. 01. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CRC Genève Co-Investigator Cours BPEC Online Niveau Co-Investigateurs HUG 04. 04. 2012 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CRC Genève Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Course Bonne Pratiques des Essais Cliniques 30. 06. 2014 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CRC Genève (4AL) Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Certificate of Advanced Studies in Management of Clinical Trials / Good Clinical Practice Implementation and Quality Processes 02. 05. 2012 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTC Clinical Trial Consulting AG Subinvestigator and investigator GCP for Investigators // GCP for Sub-Investigatros 10. 02. 2011 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTC Zurich Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Good Clinical Practice GCP / Clinical Trial Management 21. 12. 2009 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTU Basel Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Good Clinical Practice (GCP) für Investigator/Study Manager Basiskurs // Good Clinical Practice (GCP) für Sponsor-Investigator Aufbaukurs 20. 02. 2012 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTU Basel Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator University Professional in Clinical Trial Practice and Management 21. 12. 2009 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTU Bern Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Clinical Investigators I:Basic GCP & clinical research training course // Clinical Investigators II: Advanced training course 21. 12. 2009 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTU Lausanne (course provided by Unil/EPFL - formation continue) Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Formation de base pour investigateurs cliniques (alternative title: Devenir investigateur clinique) 16. 04. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTU St. Gallen Subinvestigator and investigator GCP Kurs 15. 02. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
CTU Ticino EOC Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Modul 1 / Modul 2 /Modul 3 30. 04. 2013
08. 11. 2013
31.12.2015 Swissmedic
DKF Basel Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Research involving Children: Challenges and Opportunities 12. 10. 2015 26.05.2021 swissethics
ETH Zurich, Institute for Translational Medicine Investigator Ethik in der Forschung und GCP 1 und 2 (Note: the course was previously owned by ProWiMed GmbH, Zurich) 13. 12. 2016 08.08.2022 swissethics
European Center for Clinical Reserach Training (Kelecom) Investigator GCP full and refresher 15. 09. 2014 31.12.2015 swissethics
GlobalCompliancePanel - NetZealous, Fremont USA Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator GCP Module 3 27. 09. 2017 26.05.2021 swissethics
Gnädinger Markus Dr. med. FMH Co-Investigator Good Clinical Practice - Kurse für Haus- und KinderärztInnen 2014 20. 12. 2013 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Hausärzte (M.Gnädinger, J. Lustenberger, R.Grossmann) Co-Investigator GCP 07. 03. 2014 31.12.2015 swissethics
HSeT Foundation Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator PharmaTrain CLIC 30. 04. 2012 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Infonetica Ltd.: GCP Training (J. Pouget, UK) Investigator GCP Online Training 23. 03. 2014 31.12.2015 swissethics
Inselspital Bern (A. Ayukebi) Co-Investigator GCP Basiswissen 15. 04. 2014 31.12.2015 swissethics
Inselspital Bern (G.Stirnimann) Investigator GCP Training for Investigators 24. 11. 2014 31.12.2015 swissethics
Inselspital Bern, Universitätsklinik für Viszerale Chirurgie und Medizin Bereich Hepatologie (G.Stirnimann) Investigator GCP Training for Investigators 03. 12. 2015 20.11.2024 swissethics
IPAS Subinvestigator and investigator Corsi di formazione GCP 08. 10. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Klinische Forschung Aargau AG Investigator GCP-Schulung für Investigator 17. 02. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Novipart Health & Life Sciences, 3967 Vercorin Subinvestigator and investigator GCP Training for investigator / GCP Training for sub-investigator 16. 04. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Pierrel Research Switzerland AG Co-Investigator GCP-Schulungen 13. 08. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
PMC-Support / PTS Training Service University Childrens Hospital Zurich Co-Investigator Basiswissen und das neue Humanforschungsgesetz (Version 02 vom 05.12.2013) 20. 12. 2013 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Rita Walt Consulting GmbH Subinvestigator and investigator RWConsulting Seminare 1 oder 2-tägiges GCP Training 08. 11. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
SAKK Subinvestigator and investigator SAKK Investigators Education 20. 12. 2009
17. 02. 2010
31.12.2015 Swissmedic
SAKK - Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research Investigator SAKK Investigator's Education 12. 10. 2015 23.09.2024 swissethics
SCHMID CONSULT Investigator GCP For The Investigator 30. 04. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
School for Translation and Entrepreneurship in Medicine, University of Bern and siteminsel, Bern Investigator and Sponsor-Investigator Clinical Trial and Performance 21. 11. 2018 26.05.2021 swissethics
SENDO TECH S.r.l. Subinvestigator and investigator Good Clinical Practice for Sub-Investigator 14. 06. 2011
28. 09. 2011
31.12.2015 Swissmedic
SPOG GCP Refresher SPOG GCP Refresher Course 10. 05. 2020 10.11.2024 swissethics
SwAPP Co-Investigator How2GCP (online) 28. 06. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH) Subinvestigator and investigator Introduction to Good Clinical Practice (GCP) 18. 05. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
TRREE Investigator TRREE, Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (mandatory module 1, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, and the national supplement Switzerland). 14. 12. 2015 13.02.2024 swissethics
Universität Luzern (A. Gemperli) Co-Investigator GCP-Training 08. 01. 2015 31.12.2015 swissethics
Universitätsspital Basel, Clinical Trial Unit Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Good Clinical Practice für Prüfärzte und Studienpersonal in der Pädiatrie 07. 07. 2011 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Universitätsspital Basel, Departement Chirurgie Subinvestigator and investigator Basiskurs klinisch-chirurgische Forschung 13. 08. 2010 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Universitätsspital Basel, Neurologische Klinik und Polyklinik Investigator and Subinvestigator and Sponsor-investigator Modul 1 / Modul 2 / Modul 3 16. 05. 2011 31.12.2015 Swissmedic
Université de Genève (D.Haller. SSMI) Subinvestigator and investigator GCP pour médecins de ville 26. 04. 2014 31.12.2015 swissethics
Université de Neuchâtel Institut de droit de la santé Investigator CAS 3, Recherche, innovation et protection de données. Ethique de la recherche et LRH 27. 03. 2019 26.05.2021 swissethics
Université de Neuchâtel, Institut de droit de la santé Subinvestigator and investigator TRREE Module 3.2 GCP 08. 10. 2012 31.12.2015 Swissmedic